Cockerill & Cockerill is focused on providing comprehensive legal advise and solutions for our client’s individual unique needs.

Family Law & Estate Planning is the service that can protect the financial well-being of a spouse or a minor child.
Estate Planning
Through proper planning with a qualified attorney you can protect the financial well-being of a spouse, provide for the needs of a minor child; provide for your children’s educational needs, and even make gifts to charity that benefit both you and your family.
As a result of evolving laws, today’s estate plans can involve the use of multiple documents including wills, powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, testamentary trusts, and living trusts.
We focus on our client and providing a means to ensure that estate planning goals are met. Effective planning will ease the transfer of property to beneficiaries and minimize taxes and expenses.

Elder Law is the service that can help Individuals with elderly relatives.
Elder Law
Individuals with elderly relatives facing the prospect of an extended stay in a nursing home facility must deal the emotional difficulties along with the high cost associated with paying for extended nursing home care, which can cost well over $6,500.00 a month.
With proper planning by an experienced advisor, you can help insure that your relatives’ assets will be passed on to their children rather than to the nursing home.
Married individuals often face a more serious problem when making the decision to place their spouse in the nursing home. Couples used to have to get divorced or declare bankruptcy to enable the spouse at home to keep enough money to live on. This is no longer the case. Under current law, the community spouse, with proper advice from an attorney, can keep most, if not all their assets and sufficient income to pay his or her bills.

Estate Administration
Estate Administration
Information coming soon.

Medicaid Planning
Medicaid Planning
Information coming soon.

Real State is the service that provide assistance in the sale and purchase of real estate.
Real Estate
Information coming soon.

Business Law is the service that provide advising to businesses and owners on a wide variety of legal issues
Business Law
Information coming soon.

Commercial Law
Commercial Law
Information coming soon.

Municipal Law
Municipal Law
Information coming soon.
Contact Us
Location: 235 S Meridian St, Winchester, IN 47394, USA
Telephone: 765-584-3241
Fax: 765-584-1668